Friday, August 26, 2011


Had an awesome sing k night with my lovely jie jie on last week. I admit that I like to sing and listen to emo songs when i'm down and it's me. Just the way i am.
Sometimes when words cannot express how you feel,when there's only music able to heal you.
I miss the happy me. I miss my sincere smile.
I hate myself for being so emotional lately.
Especially when there're thousand of things go through my brain.
I'm emo again. W-T-H.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

It's been a long long time

Based on the title,it's been a long long time i didn't update my blog.
Been so damn slacking to blog.
Just a short update since i'm having one week break now :)

Well,shits happened within these 1 whole month.
Thankfully,it's kind of over now.
Everything seems to back to normal slowly.
I'm happy that we are still remaining the same.

I'm lucky enough that i've my 3 lovely cousins who are beside me and cheer me up when all the shits happened <3
and a college close friend who's my good listener. We've been through almost the same situation and that's why we become closer right now :)
Hopefully our friendship will stay longer.

Good friends are hard to find and it's even harder to find someone who can understand you and the situation you've been through.
I cherish the moment when we are still able to talk,laugh w each other :)

Lessons i've learned:
"Don't simply judge people by their coverunless you know their stories and the things that they've been gone through".

"Be honest to the people you are closed with,do not lie to them. Because the people you able to lie with are the people who trusted you".

"The minute you start caring abt what other people think, is the minute you stop being yourself". Try not too care what other people think about you and be happy.